
"It's been 6 weeks since our session and I can't believe that my attitude and behaviour towards food is exactly the same as it was the week after seeing you. While I can stick with anything for 1 week it doesn't take much longer than that for me to be back to the old habits of shovelling food & wine in without thinking.
Our session was behaviour changing - thank you."

"Your report is spot on ... now feeling the balancing coming into play and have a few more hours for things to settle into their new dynamics ... VERY GOOD!!!"
"I can't grab the story anymore, I can't even remember the frustration I had with it ..."
"Hey Julie, have meant to text you 100 times to tell you how amazing it was. I really felt so much more free within myself and I was so much more balanced.  I am also finding relationships around me changing and ones that haven't been good moving away. I have had quite a few cleansing since and they have had been full on but it has been seriously great. I absolutely loved the session, I  am super keen to do another session at some stage. Thank you so much"