Remote Rescue deal
May 2014

Job - friends - relationships - path - direction - confidence - stress

If you'd like to get to the bottom of the things that irk you, boy do I have a deal for you!  Get your issues worked on - the stress accessed and balanced - by a kinesiology session - done remotely.  I email you the story and balance the stress, and you don't even have to go anywhere. 

How do I get one done?
Contact me with a brief description of what you want to work on, your age in years, use the PayPal button below, and I'll do the rest - within 24 hrs.

Remote Rescue©
Kinesiology can be done across distance to access your energy field and allow the same as above to happen, via muscle testing on your behalf.    You get the same results as a personal session, with a results report emailed to you.
A great way to try it if you're curious to see what kinesiology can do for you, and you don't have to do anything special or go anywhere to have it happen!

Remote Rescue - $77 - normally $97 (valid May 27 - May 31, 2014)